West Coast Responders: Community Rules, Guidelines, and Information

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Hello West Coast Responders Members!

Stated below you will find the community rules and guidelines. These rules and guidelines are to be followed at all times, and consequences will be given out to members that cannot follow the rules. These rules are subject to change anytime.
Please note that if punishment(s) are to occur for failure to abide by these rules, your appeal might be affected.

Server Information:
- FiveM Server Direct Connect IP:

- TeamSpeak 3 IP:

Server Rules:

  1. No RDM (Random Deathmatching)
  2. No FailRP
  3. Priority calls (robberies, shots fired, etc.) will have a 5 minute cooldown
  4. No RVDM (Random Vehicle Deathmatching)
  5. No Cop Baiting (intentionally provoking the police)
  6. Listen to all staff decisions, they are final.
  7. Only police in the aviation division may fly helicopters
  8. No explosives (like... at all.)
  9. No armored cars
  10. No supercars
  11. Respect other members
  12. Use common sense
  13. Don't go out of character
  14. No bullying
  15. No racism
  16. No trolling
  17. No jets
  18. No speed boost
  19. If you were wrongly banned, post an appeal. Do not go on the TeamSpeak/Forums and complain about it 
  20. Absolutely no bug exploiting, report it on the forums

TeamSpeak Rules:

  1. Do not channel hop (randomly switch channels rapidly for no reason)
  2. No bullying
  3. No racism
  4. Keep it professional in the roleplay channels
  5. Use common sense
  6. Do not spam poke
  7. Do not spam message
  8. Do not poke/message on-duty cops for no reason
  9. If you require assistance, poke an on-duty staff member (Trial Staff, Moderator, Administrator, Head Administrator, Manager, or Owner)
  10. If you were wrongly banned, post an appeal. Do not go on the FiveM/TeamSpeak and complain about it 
  11. Using soundboards or playing music is only allowed in locked, private channels, as long as everyone agrees. In public channels, they are not allowed and all members will be punished
  12. If you need your tags, ask a Manager+ to verify your identity

 Forum Rules:

  1. All rules that apply to TeamSpeak/FiveM that can apply to the forums, apply
  2. Post in the correct section(s)
  3. Do not multipost
  4. Do not replicate or repost a thread
  5. Do not grave dig or necro post (do not post on threads that have not been locked and are from over 3+ months ago, unless it is an application forum)
  6. Screamers, offensive, pornographic, and sexual material is not allowed
  7. Punishment Disputes/Ban Appeals: If you were wrongly banned, please post a thread in the ban appeal section, following the format
  8. If you need your tags, message an senior admin or higher

      Community Guidelines:

  1. All members are expected to follow these rules and guidelines.
  2. All members must be able to know how to properly roleplay.
  3. You must stay in character unless speaking directly to a member of staff for a non-roleplay reason.
  4. All members are to have a TeamSpeak 3 client installed and connect to our TeamSpeak 3 server to join the Police Department.
  5. You must have Lambda Menu to play on our servers so you can change your skin, spawn cars, etc. and have a successful roleplay session.
  6. Staff members have final say in all decisions.
  7. If there is any problems regarding a staff member, you may report them here.

Thank you,
WCR Community Management Team